Less Stress Instructional Services
Legal Database
Disclaimer: This database has been compiled as a service to instructors who visit our site. We go to great lengths to try to keep accurate, up to date information for your use. Invariably, there will be situations where laws change and our information becomes outdated. Should you see legislation that you believe is not current, please email us at jmateus@lessstress.com . We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the posted information on this list. If you don't see what you are looking for, it's because we're still working on that particular legislation. Please be patient - we'll get it all done eventually. |
Case Law: We are very interested in receiving case law related to health and safety. If you have an interesting case you would like to post, we will review any information emailed to jmateus@lessstress.com . The contributions should be in a format we can quote (news article, press release, court document) - because of legal reasons, we cannot post witness accounts or second hand information. |
Links to our sites:
AEDs/First Aid Supplies CPR/AED/First Aid Training CPRinstructor.com Instructor's Shop
Federal Laws / Papers / Standards
Guidelines for AED Deployment in Federal Buildings | |