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 Less Stress Instructional Services

Less Stress Instructional Services

"The Beat..."

The EMS, Health, and Safety Instructor/Coordinator Newsletter

"The Beat" is Less Stress' e-zine. It is a bi-weekly newsletter discussing issues relating to safety and health coordinators, CPR/First Aid instructors, EMS instructors, and compliance officers. Target audiences include emergency services officers, hospital education providers, and safety coordinators in general industry.

Some of the topics include:

  • Instructor tips for various common programs such as CPR

  • Discussion of new industry trends

  • Cost-saving resources for enriching programs

  • Suggestions from others on dealing with difficult issues such as tracking of renewal dates, improving attendance, and cost-containment.

  • Archives of past issues by clicking here

"The Beat" is a combination of traditional article format and user-submitted comment forum. We'd love to hear what you have to say at jmateus@lessstress.com

. "The Beat" is moderated by John Mateus.

For your free subscription to "The Beat", you can click here

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