Vermont Good Samaritan Act

Duty to Aid the Endangered Act (Good Samaritan Law)

Title 12, Chapter 23 ;SS 519:

Emergency Medical Care

(a) A person who knows another is exposed to grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the same can be rendered without danger or peril to himself or without interference with important duties owed to others, give reasonable assistance to the exposed person unless that assistance or care is being provided by others.

(b) A person who provides reasonable assistance in compliance with subsection (a) of this section shall not be liable in civil damages unless his actions constitute gross negligence or unless he will receive or expects to receive remuneration.Nothing contained in this subsection shall alter existing law with respect to tort liability of a practitioner of the healing arts for acts committed in the ordinary course of his practice.

(c) A person who willfully violates subsection (a) of this section shall be fined not more than $100.00 -- 1967 No. 309(adjourned session) SS 2-4 effective March 22, 1968.

Limited liability of Volunteer EMS Personnel

Title 24, Chapter 71* ;SS 2685:

Civil Liability Limited

Volunteer personnel, whether or not they receive or expect to receive nominal payments and reimbursements for expenses, who render emergency medical treatment shall:

(1) Be afforded the protection of Section 519 of Title 12;

(2) Not be considered practitioners of the healing arts for purposes of Subsection 519 (b) of Title 12; and

(3) Not be liable for civil damages for rendering emergency medical treatment unless their action constitutes gross negligence or willful misconduct.

(Vermont Statutes Annotated (VSA) 24 is the emergency medical services statute, effective July 1, 1984.)